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The Brando : 174 days until the opening on Tetiaroa island…

As previously announced last October, the newest addition to the Tahiti Beachcomber SA group is set to open its doors on July 1st 2014.
In order to meet the growing demand for “Chic Nature” travel opportunities, the Brando will feature an « all-inclusive” package for 35 luxury beach villas with private pool. 2 restaurants, 2 bars, all the standard services of a 5-star resort under the sun, in addition to outdoor activities where guests can explore the pristine surroundings, an organic orchard and garden, a scientific research station and archeological tours covering the history of ancient Polynesian cultural sites… guests in search of relaxation and leisure will be thrilled!
The terms of sale have now been defined, with the exception of a few details which remain to be clarified… Here’s a brief glimpse:
– All-inclusive set pricing per villa year round, valid through March 31st 2016!
– No seasonal price variation, no special offers
– Minimum 3-night stay
– The only means of transportation: Air Tetiaroa departing from Tahiti airport
– Pre/Post Stay Transit Packages at the Intercontinental Resort Tahiti & Spa 4*
– 20% down payment required upon reservation, the remainder is payable 65 days prior to check-in
– Progressive cancellation fees applicable starting 120 days prior to check-in
And the icing on the cake, a special Soft Opening rate is available from July 1st through September 30th 2014, so guests can enjoy the Brando at a 40% discount!
Reservations are now open… Best of luck with sales!

TET_The Brando_Interior Villa (2) TET_The Brando_Interior Villa (1)                               TET_The Brando_AerialView

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