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Tetiaroa – The Brando joins National Geographic Society Unique Lodges of the World

The Brando is proud to announce its official position as a founding member of National Geographic Society’s newest foray in world-class travel experiences: National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World, a collection of boutique hotels in extraordinary places around the world with a demonstrated commitment to sustainability, authenticity and excellence.

The Brando is a unique, luxury resort on French Polynesia’s private atoll of Tetiaroa, and a pioneering model of sustainable technology, with sea water air-conditioning and renewable energies, whose mission is to preserve Tetiaroa’s natural beauty, biodiversity and cultural richness.

“We are proud to work with National Geographic and be a founding member of Unique Lodges of the World,” said Richard Bailey, Chairman and CEO of Pacific Beachcomber, owner of The Brando. “Sustainable development and tourism is core to our mission and guides everything we do.  The Brando provides our guests a luxurious, authentic, and enriching travel experience, in an environmentally sensitive, sustainable and culturally rich manner.”

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