Created in 1962, this emblematic dance group of Tahiti has received numerous awards at the Heiva. Its leader Coco Hotahota has directed hundreds of dancers among whom many are recognized artists (Makau Foster, Fabien Dinard etc…). An avant-gardist master of art, Hotahota is also a father to the evolution of the « Ori Tahiti », or Tahitian traditional dance, combining innovation and respect of the traditions, thus preserving authenticity in his performances to never forget his roots. This year, Temaeva has offered us a colorful performance filled with dynamism and sensuality. Its vibrant choir, dazzling costumes, powerful traditional orchestra, and stunning performers have taken us to a festive and graceful world. Hotahota and his talented chief choreographer, Rita Tauhere, have given back to the Heiva its authentic and original identity transmitting in their show the simplicity of the Polynesian lifestyle and the joie de vivre of our islands!
It is with emotion and great pride that we boast to have among our Tahiti Nui Travel team the winners of the Heiva 2015 for which our offices have been transformed every lunch breaks during the past weeks into wardrobes, weaving shop, make-up studios… Big Congratulations to Caroline Raimbault from our Product Department for her performance in “Temaeva”, a huge Bravo to our Marketing Department girls Ariifano Taputuarai and Tepurotu Atuahiva, and Eimeo Brillant from our Reservations Department from “Ori I Tahiti” for their 1st Prize for the Vegetal Costume, and at last, Mauruuru Roa to Christine Isnard (Marketing Department) without whom our dancers would not be so beautiful!
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