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Tahiti, Daytour to Tetiaroa on board the maxi-catamaran Ohana

The Ohana is a maxi-catamaran for day Charters. Designed to hold a maximum of 30 people, its dimensions of 20 by 10 meter make it the largest catamaran in French Polynesia. Its platform welcomes passengers around 3 counters in a very comfortable, covered area, while 2 large trampolines allow fifteen passengers to bask in the sun during the crossing.
This seabird offers day trips to Tetiaroa, the extraordinary atoll owned by screen legend Marlon Brando. Known to be the safest and most comfortable when sailing, it is also the fastest as it takes only 2 hours and 30 minutes to reach Tetiaroa from Papeete.
A musical atmosphere with refreshing drinks and snacks are provided during the crossing. On the island, a discovery tour of the bird island will make it possible for passengers to stretch their legs and discover unparalleled sceneries. Back on board, a generous meal will be served, before gently sailing back to Tahiti lulled by the sounds of the Ukulele.
Our Tetiaroa cruise included in the Daytour range will be done on the Ohana Catamaran from now on. The price remains unchanged.
Ideal for groups, the Ohana also offers day trips to Moorea as well as sunset cruises.

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