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Sophie Bouchonnet, Customer Service Manager

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Sophie has been working at Tahiti Nui Travel for 10 years.

What is your job?
My role is to assist guests during their stay in French Polynesia. Indeed, once on location, guests can contact us directly for any assistance they may need, from advices and recommendations to itinerary amendments. We are at their full disposal.

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Your best experience in our islands?
I visited many of Polynesia’s islands but my favorite is Maupiti. I really appreciate her authenticity and small size. For me, this island is truly representative of the authentic French Polynesia. There are only small accommodations, no hotels; Maupiti is definitely an untouched island. When you go to Maupiti, you eat local and you live as locals. Fish is excellent; I love generous carpaccio plates we can eat there. Moreover, residents are extremely nice.


Once, we wanted to rent bikes to do the island tour, but we could not… So we asked locals if they could drive us for an island tour, which they have done with pleasure. It was a wonderful encounter.
What I really loved was the hike to the mount Teurafaatiu, the highest point of the island.
During our ascension with the guide, we had the chance to have wonderful weather. We even saw manta rays in the lagoon from the mountain! The view on top is astonishing, between the green of the mountain and the blue of the lagoon, it was almost unreal.
However, be careful, the hike is not long but slopes are steep. It is better to be in good physical condition before taking on the adventure.

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Your advice while planning your visit to Maupiti?
Accommodation reservations should be made well in advance due to a lack of availabilities. Moreover, there are few flights per week. It is also better to avoid a connection between a flight from Maupiti with an international flight. Indeed, the airstrip is short and in case of bad weather, the flight may not be able to take off. It is best to have room for flexibility in order not to miss your international flight…


Must bring?
Take a pair of sneakers for the hike or the island tour by bicycle.

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