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Scuba Diving in Tahaa

Less known for diving than the Tuamotu Archipelago or Bora Bora, the island of Tahaa is home to some beautiful, yet rarely visited dive sites. Discover Paipai and Ceran passes or the Octopus Hole… where sharks, turtles, surgeonfish and other tropical fish can be found in numbers.

Located on the motu (islet) of the 5* Hotel Le Taha’a Island Resort & Spa, the Tahaa Diving Center offers quick access to the outer reef of the west coast of the island, which is often sheltered from the eastern wind. One same lagoon for two islands… the diving center also offers diving trips to Raiatea, in particular to the shipwreck site of the Nordby, a Danish three-masted metal ship built in 1873 and sunk in the early 1900s by the Mara’amu, the southeasterly tradewind known here for its strength.

2 tank dive in the morning, single or introductory dive in the afternoon… open 7 days a week… and diving equipment replaced recently!

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