Hotel Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa 5* is developing its range of ultra-romantic and private services by substantially highlighting its paradise private motu: Motu Tapu.
The most photographed islet in the South Pacific, it was once the personal resort of Polynesian Queen Pomare IV, where she held many receptions and parties. In Tahitian, the word « Tapu » means taboo, forbidden, or sacred, and thus refers to the days when access was by invitation only.
Located 5 minutes from the Resort by boat, it is the ideal place for an ultra-private dream getaway.
From a simple getaway for a few hours to a romantic gourmet dinner, a picnic, or à la carte lunch, or why not a sunset romance… different formulas for every budget are available for pre-sale in our 2015 Exclusive Services catalog.
With their feet in the sand, lovers staying at the Hilton can take advantage of a day of absolute tranquility in this place of rare beauty.
Another change to note: instead of the Mediterranean buffet, Friday nights will now feature a Barbecue under the stars, toes in the sand at Tamure restaurant, at no extra charge for guests on half and full board.
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