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Reminder! No dance show in hotels on Bora Bora during the Heiva

During the Heiva festivities, which take place this year from June 19 to July 12, the hotels on Bora Bora will suspend their Polynesian dance show while maintaining their  theme dinners. Indeed, the same dance groups who perform in the hotels may themselves participate in the dance contest… and, after all, it’s an opportunity for our guests to experience the Heiva by attending one or more events in Vaitape.

Shows are discontinued at the following hotels: Four Seasons, Hilton, Le Meridien, Sofitel Marara and Sofitel Private Island, Pearl Beach Resort, Maitai Polynesia. Only the St. Regis and the InterContinental Le Moana will maintain their evening shows, with the InterContinental Thalasso will change its schedule slightly.

All the hotels mentioned above offer ticket sales and special transfers to and from Vaitape to attend the Heiva shows.

Known for its authenticity and the quality of its groups… the Heiva in Bora Bora is not to be missed under any circumstances if you are on the island during this period!

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