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Pension de la Plage Tahiti

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This pension has received the Green Key ecotourism label

It’s the first Polynesian establishment to receive the « Green Key«  label thanks to the efforts of its managers. This label is awarded by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) an internationally-recognized French organization, Vincent and Anne-Marie, managers of the Pension de la Plage for the past 10 years, have always been sensitive to environmental protection and have continued to seek out ways to reduce the pension’s environmental impact: biodegradeable cleaning products, solar power and hot water, plant and vegetable waste composting, selective sorting, concern for their suppliers’ relationship with the environment…all of these efforts are also taken up by their employees, because it’s a team effort!

It’s a point in favor of this pension, which is leading the way for its colleagues, because even though a good many providers in Polynesia already have this environmental conscience and a desire to promote sustainable tourism, it’s not easy, given the distance, to follow an international labeling approach.

A list of environmentally-focused providers is available from your Marketing Agent.

Read more about the Green Key

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