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Our latest visit to Hotel Le Tahaa Island Resort & Spa 5*

It is always a pleasure to see this hotel again… a real soul, charm and authenticity, a warm and smiling Polynesian staff, an exotic and idyllic holiday resort! « Guests think so too! » says Director Julien Bressolles, in view of the marked increase in repeat guests.
District for residents of Raiatea, Tahaa is gradually becoming the Hamptons of Bora Bora for our international visitors… The Vahine Island and soon the 5 Luxury Villas of La Pirogue Api round out the upscale offering of the Vanilla Island, increasingly popular for its unspoiled landscapes, its immense uncrowded lagoon, flower gardens, its friendly and smiling population who, spread out over two main villages, still live to the gentle rhythm of fishing and farming. Convenient, Tahaa also benefits from the facilities on Raiatea (including an hospital) and a substantial number of Air Tahiti flights. Combined with a stop on Raiatea, this tandem gives out a nice overview of the Society Islands.

Le Tahaa Island Resort & Spa 5*, the only Polynesian establishment belonging to the prestigious Relais & Châteaux collection, is built on a beautiful motu bordering a unique coral garden, with the silhouette of Bora Bora in the background.
Time flies;  and yet the interior of the beach or overwater suites, all spacious, bright and typical, remain unmoving. The facilities and natural exteriors, made of wood and bamboo, are regularly renovated or replaced.

Whatever category you reserve, a special welcome awaits you:
– A bottle of water per person upon arrival at Raiatea airport
– A flower lei & welcome drink upon arrival at the hotel
– In your room: the Chef’s sweets plate upon arrival, 4 pods of Nespresso coffee daily, evening turndown service
– A vanilla bean in its bamboo case, delivered on the last night as a gift
Guests can enjoy a breakfast served by canoe, lunch with your feet in the sand, a cocktail in the pool, dinner in the trees, nature or romantic activities in small groups, massage, fitness, tennis, scuba diving… shuttles to the main island are also available for your getaways on the main island. It only remains to taunt your friends back home on social networks, thanks to the free WiFi at the Tehutu bar and around the pool.

For couples or families, Le Tahaa is a complete exotic experience, entirely dedicated to your well-being.

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