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NEW! The Aranui 5 in service during the 2nd semester 2015

A brand new vessel, the Aranui 5 will operate the soft Adventure cruises in the Marquesas Islands during the 2nd semester 2015 (the exact date has not yet been determined), replacing the present Aranui 3.
With a total length of 126m, featuring air-conditioning and lifts, the new passenger/freighter ship can carry up to 254 passengers accommodated in magnificent suites and cabins more spacious and comfortable, of which a great number of units with private balcony.

Public areas include a reception, restaurant, 4 bars including a Sky bar, dancing room,
2 conference rooms, lounges, library, video and computer room, boutique, swimming pool with jacuzzi, fitness room and Spa.

The cruise itinerary will remain unchanged, the « Aranui » atmosphere of this unique cruise of its kind will be preserved, the discovery of the “Terre des Hommes” (Land of Men) aboard the Aranui 5 will remain for many one of the most amazing experiences ever lived…

Jet off on the Aranui  for an adventure to the edge of the world on the most mysterious islands in and around Tahiti: the Marquesas Islands.
The unusual and indispensable Aranui  is a passenger-cargo ship that sails the South Seas between Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands in 8 days. It supplies 6 of the majestic islands in food, medication, material, vehicles and more. The Aranui also transports passengers to Tahiti and has an essential role in the Marquesans’ life. Bask in the family-friendly atmosphere reigning over the Aranui and form bonds with the mostly Marquesan crew members. Your friendly encounters will make your trip in the Pacific a simply unforgettable experience.

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