At the Museum of Tahiti & Her Islands starting May 14, 2016
Tahiti Ora dance troupe will present its brand new show, Mare’are’a or “the golden mist that encircles Tahiti at sunrise” at the Museum of Tahiti & Her Islands right near Le Méridien Tahiti starting at 5pm. 30 dancers and 10 musicians will take you on a voyage of rediscovery of the past, in 22 magnificent scenes.
Tumata Robinson, internationally-renowned choreographer and founder of the group, explained the theme to us: “We’ve chosen to illustrate some significant sequences of the evolution of Tahitian society since its rediscovery by Westerners. Our desire is to share a trip through time, a return to our roots, a precious, unforgettable moment of grace, poetry, and positive energy in the remarkable natural setting of the Museum.”
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