New Private Cruises
The Tuamotus & Marquesas by sail
Starting March 25, 2017 our long-standing partner, Tahiti Yacht Charter, is expanding its choice of itineraries by opening up a base at Fakarava in the Tuamotus.
4 Days / 3 Nights Fakarava North & South or 7 Days / 6 Nights Fakarava North – Toau – Fakarava South aboard modern 38 to 44 foot catamarans. Discover picturesque villages, the abundant underwater life of this UNESCO biosphere reserve and pink sand beaches…
A product that comes right on time to fill in the vacancy left by Archipels Cruises which, you’ll recall, is discontinuing the Tuamotu cruises in 2017!
In the Marquesas, it is the island of Nuku Hiva for 4 Days / 3 Nights or Nuku Hiva – Ua Huka – Nuku Hiva for 7 Days / 6 Nights, which Tahiti Yacht Charter proposes to explore aboard a 54 mono-hull sailboat. Cliffs, bays, lush vegetation, ruins of a past civilization, let yourself be taken away by the Mana of these sites!
Don’t wait any longer! These cruises are only available between December 15, 2016 and February 28, 2017…
2 crew members, meals, and watersports equipment included for a maximum of 6 passengers aboard in the Tuamotu and 4 passengers in the Marquesas.
Details in the 2017 Cruises Rate Manual
Pictures available from our September Newsletter
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