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NEW! Iti Iti Cruise – 100% Lagoon of Bora Bora by Tahiti Yacht Charter

Iti Iti Cruise – 100% Lagoon of Bora Bora is the latest cruise from Tahiti Yacht Chater! This 4Day/3Night all inclusive cruise, with excursions focused on exploring the lagoon of Bora Bora, discovering its flora and fauna (coral garden, natural aquarium, swimming with the rays) comes in 2 formulas:

In Private mode, with the catamaran model and departure date of your choice. Meals (excluding drinks) included, including a dinner on the main island in a restaurant such as the Bloody Mary’s or the Maikai Yacht Club. With this formula, the boat is yours for 4 Days and 3 Nights!

Or by the Cabin, with private bathroom, a Classic Version 44 catamaran (fan in cabin), guaranteed departure with a minimum of 2 participants. The cruise days are fixed, from Tuesday to Friday or from Thursday to Sunday. Meals on board with mineral water and fruit juice (other drinks available at extra cost). An affordable formula for discovering Bora Bora!

Another way to discover the legendary Pearl of the Pacific on a floating bungalow at the whim of the trade winds!

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