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NEW! Luxury Cruises “Tahitian Affair” – 7 & 10 Nights Bora Bora / Tahiti

It is with great pleasure that we announce the arrival of the Island Passage to our islands. At last, the return of a cruise ship perfectly suited to navigating the waters of Polynesia!
Since it is small, it is the only cruise ship able to navigate inside the lagoons, offering its passengers a totally different perspective from the steel monsters confined to ports and large bays.
With a catamaran design, the Island Passage offers stability and comfort during inter-island crossings.

From May to October 2016, the Society Islands become the playground of this yacht, which accommodates only 24 passengers (11 double or twin cabins divided into 3 categories & 2 single cabins), with two available routes, and daily activities included:
– Tahitian Affair 7: 7 nights, Bora Bora/Raiatea/Huahine/Tahaa/Bora Bora
– Tahitian Affair 10: 10 nights, Tahiti/Moorea/Huahine/Tahaa/Raiatea/Bora Bora

On board, it’s the Casual-Chic atmosphere we adore, superior service, fine dining, fine wines, cocktails at sunset, watersport equipment, night fishing… with priority given to rest, relaxation! Even the nights are at anchor, favoring restful sleep… A perfect way to recharge in order to fully appreciate the beauty of our paradise.
Please contact our Marketing department for sales documents, rates and terms.

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