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New! Huahine Adventure

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Six Tempting Sporting Getaways
Budding athletes, thrill-seekers, and nature lovers, we have dug up some adventures for you on Huahine:

Three hikes on Huahine Nui and Huahine Iti. Accessible to all audiences as a half-day or full day excursion for more seasoned hikers, they will enable you to appreciate the island’s lush nature with its typical giant ferns, pine forest, plantations, its little-known archaeological sites nestled on the hillside (..let us remind that Huahine is the Society Island with the most archaeological sites!), and the superb views of the lagoon and other exotic tropical landscapes.
Departures guaranteed with a minimum of 2 persons/Pickup at all hotels & pensions on the island.

Visit Huahine in a different way! Enjoy a 2.5 hour Jet ski tour around the island of Huahine, punctuated by several swimming and exploration stops: coral garden, pearl farm, the Pass, the bridge connecting Big Huahine with Little Huahine… By Quad, it’s a 3 hour tour around Big Huahine (part road/part trail) on offer: you’ll visit the essential stops on the island, like the village of Maeva, the traditional fish traps, ride on a coral trail along the beach, climb the Belvédère and enjoy the view overlooking both islands and discover the legend of the « dog’s pawprint ».
Departures guaranteed with a minimum of 4 persons/Pickup at all hotels & pensions on the island.

Lastly, open to both beginners and expert fishermen, as a private charter (with a firm request) and non-private tour (12 persons max), treat yourself to a half day fishing on the lagoon of Huahine. Select your gear: longline, reel, or popper (surface lure) A pleasant, and often fun experience!
Departures guaranteed with a minimum of 4 persons/Pickup at all hotels & pensions on the island.

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