Now available for sale for any stay from 01 May 2015 onwards, the magnificent Sunset Pool Overwater Villas are waiting for you at the Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa 5*.
With a total of 8 units in this category, each one with a maximum capacity of 2 adults and 1 child under 15, and a total area of 110 sq. m., these villas offer top quality features to its guests.
This new category Sunset Pool Overwater Villa stands out with its spacious and elegant bedroom opening up to a large terrace, comfortably fitted with a catamaran-style net over the lagoon, deck chairs, a dining table, and above all, a magnificent private swimming pool.
Moreover, from the bed, the panoramic view to the azure lagoon of Bora Bora is just FA-BU-LOUS …!!!
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