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May 29, 2015: Polynesia celebrates Pareo Day!

Since its launch on a Facebook page in 2013 by a Polynesian who had the idea to do an interactive festival, Pareo Day is now celebrated worldwide. The opportunity to go back in time for a day!

For the Polynesians, the Pareo or Pareu has been a traditional garment for centuries. Today, thanks to the many ways to tie it, it is worn every day, at the beach, on weekends but also at work, in the evening… Traditionally, it is cotton, handmade, colorful and features different patterns related to the Polynesian islands and their nature. Due to its success, today we can find all kinds of pareos, from the simplest to the most elaborate.

You can dress simply with a pareo instead of your pants or shorts for men, or a pareo dress for women. If necessary, add a local shirt! The message has gone out: Polynesian souls & Polynesians in spirit throughout the world: May 29, follow the movement! Life is more beautiful in a Pareo…

YouTube Pareo Wearing 1 / YouTube Pareo Wearing 2 / YouTube Pareo Wearing 3 / Pareo 2015 Community Facebook Page

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