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Le Relais Royal Tikehau increases its room inventory

Starting from April 1st 2014, Le Relais Royal Tikehau will be adding a new unit to its room inventory: the Family Suite Bungalow. This unit features 2 bedrooms, separated by a common area including a living room. This new bungalow, with a maximum capacity of 4 persons, is ideal for families or guests travelling with friends.

Located on a private islet, not far from the main village, the Relais Royal Tikehau boasts of three characteristics of the Tuamotu Archipelago: a beautiful pink sand beach on lagoon side, the coral reef ocean side, and finally the narrow channel at the entrance of the pension, where lagoon sharks and colorful fishes come to enjoy the current. It is also a peaceful place where Polynesian life is in the spotlight: the local style bungalows, the meals of fresh fish and lobster for the last dinner, the warmth and festive atmosphere, the live music & the dances every night … good memories guaranteed!

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