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Lan Chile, New Boeing on Santiago/Easter Island/Tahiti

On Tuesday, September 22, 2015, at 12:35 a.m. the tarmac at Tahiti – Faa’a Airport welcomed for the first time the latest Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner from the Chilean airline LAN CHILE. This new aircraft, with a maximum capacity of 247 passengers, 30 in Business Class and 217 in Economy, will serve weekly rotations between Santiago/Easter Island/Tahiti until January 25, 2016, when it will be replaced by its larger cousin the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, offering 66 additional seats in Economy.
The new interior design is inspired by the colors of the Chilean mainland (blue and red) to create a cabin with character. The seats in Business Class recline fully horizontally with integrated footrest, a memory system recording the seat position selected by the passenger, and a lumbar massage system for optimal rest.
In Economy, the ergonomic seats have an adjustable headrest for more comfort.
Advanced onboard entertainment system with touch interface, a large selection of movies and games, and within a few months, passengers will also be able to order Duty Free products directly from their personal screen.

Since 2012, and until 2018, Lan Chile has gradually been renewing its fleet.
In final, some 32 Boeing 787-8 & 787-9 Dreamliners, and 27 Airbus 350s are expected on the air routes served by the Chilean airline: Buenos Aires, Lima, Los Angeles, New York-JFK, Sao Paulo, Madrid, Frankfurt, and Tahiti via Easter Island.
Flight schedules: no particular changes between now and January 2016,
SCL Dep 18h35 Monday -> IPC Arr 22h10 / Dep 23h40 -> PPT Arr 00h30 Tuesday
PPT Dep 02h00 Tuesday -> IPC Arr 12h30 / Dep 14h00 -> SCL Arr 20h45 Tuesday
Coupled with the daily flights Santiago/Easter Island/Santiago, this air route offers our visitors the opportunity to discover Rapa Nui, this triangle of Polynesian land the size of Moorea, known worldwide for its gigantic Moai statues, witnesses of another time. An island where it feels good to stay, with a warm local population attached to its values, its traditions, and with exceptional archaeological sites.
Accommodation on Easter Island are plentiful, with a choice vast enough to  satisfy all types of travelers: for the demanding luxury clientele (Hotel Explora – La Posada de Mike Rapu, Hotel Hanga Roa), for the travelers looking for quality comfort (Hotel Altiplanico, Ia Orana, Otai, Puku Vai) and for the tighter budgets (Cabanas Vai Moana, Manavai, Teanui…).
As for activities, there is something for all tastes and all budgets as well: horseback rides, hiking, excursions by minibus, by boat, ATV/motorcycle/car rental, scuba diving…

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