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Hotel Royal Huahine 3* – How are things progressing?

The winds of change are still blowing on Hotel Royal Huahine 3* since it reopened on 03 February. The hotel had announced a list of works to be performed during the month of closure, but the unpredictable weather and delivery delays made the job harder… nevertheless the project is progressing and motivation is not weakening!

To date, the main visible renovation is the complete refurbishment of the large decks of the overwater bungalows and the public areas reception/restaurant. New magnetic door locks have now been installed.

The following are still under way:
– Renovation of the remaining decks
– Changing the curtains and bedspreads in all bungalows; currently only the sofa and chair covers have been replaced
– Creation of new massage and beauty treatment area. Meanwhile, treatments are still available and are performed in the former Manea Spa area.
– Refurbishment the hotel boutique shop

As the entire staff is busy with these renovation works at the end of this low season, the new activities that had been announced will have to wait…
Note that during the periods of works on the Garden and Beach Bungalows, customers will be automatically upgraded to Overwater Bungalows.

As it stands, the Royal Huahine 3* continues to feature a beautiful sandy beach, nice bathing, lots of fish, a large pool in good condition, well maintained and flowered green spaces, stunning views of the neighboring islands of Raiatea & Tahaa and the sunset, and tasty, a tasty and hearty cuisine in a nice overwater restaurant.

The accommodation, all categories taken together, is among the most spacious of all the 3 and 4* hotels on our islands. While the décor is a little outdated, comfort is well there with quality bedding, a bathroom with shower and bath, separate toilet, wardrobe, fridge/kettle/sink corner, flat screen TV and a very large terrace with a sheltered dining area, and an outdoor shower.

Le Royal Huahine offers value for money for an overwater bungalow that is unrivalled by any other resort in French Polynesia.

In addition to all these assets, the hotel is due to become better serviced with the upcoming opening of a direct asphalt access road that will allow guests to explore the island more freely…  Obtaining the relevant permits is on the way and making good progress.

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