In late February, we had announced the closing of the Kokone Garden and Beach Bungalows until March 31, 2015. Good news! Renovation works are ahead of schedule. These bungalows are presently still being redecorated, and will be available for stays starting from July 01, 2014. 2014 rates are the same as previously given. No pictures are available yet…we shall keep you updated. Furthermore, please note that these bungalows will be completely air-conditioned during the next closing period from December 14, 2014 to February 28, 2015.
About the hotel: Charming property located on Huahine’s most beautiful coastline, featuring a marvelous white sand beach, fantastic snorkeling, and a magnificent view on the sunset over the neighboring island of Raiatea. The delicious and inventive cuisine will delight your palate !
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