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Hotel InterContinental Tahiti Resort 4* – New Lobby completed

Hotel InterContinental Tahiti 4* is extremely pleased to inform that the lobby renovations are now completed. The exceptional and famous view of Moorea which captivates each guest upon arrival is marvelously privileged.

Moreover, a new outlet, the Lobby Bar Terrace, dedicated to elegance and conviviality, has just opened at the same time. Visitors now have the opportunity to enjoy aperitifs, cocktails and premium Champagnes in a refined ambiance with panoramic views of the lagoon. Open everyday, 24hrs.
Some new pictures are available on your Dropbox link!

Regarding the works on the Motu, they are advancing as scheduled. The new Motu Overwater Bungalows are now available for sale for any stays from 04 August 2015 onwards.

As to the soft refurbishment of the interior of the Standard, Garden View, and Lagoon View Rooms, these works are presently still on-going. As a reminder, these works are not causing any nuisance. They are undertaken one building after the other, where no rooms are occupied, and will be completed by the end of the year.

Reminder! Find all the closures and works updates for pensions, boutique lodges and hotels in your Annual Closures & Works Summary. Note that once completed, the simple maintenance work bringing no notable change to the product, are simply removed from the document. Request the link from your Marketing Agent!

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