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Hotel Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa 5* – Renovation – Precisions

Following the renovation announcement recently made, please find below the complementary information received from Hotel Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa 5*:

Message received:

Dear Travel Partners,

In response to queries we have received since sending out our recently sent Renovation Update, we want to reassure you that none of the renovations scheduled for the rest of 2015 at Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa will create disturbances for our guests. During the past five months of renovations, we’ve proved beyond a doubt – as our guests and their Trip Advisor comments will attest – that we’ve done a remarkable job of isolating the affected areas and we will continue to do so, keeping top-of-mind the comfort and enjoyment of our mutual clients.

As I am sure you know, the resort is the largest in Bora Bora, spread out along a private motu, so even when it is full there is a feeling of privacy and peace throughout. Our renovation was strategically planned with that fact in mind. Please note, any renovations scheduled for the remainder of the year will be on the interiors of all the Garden Villas (which are near the black rock beach) and the Lagoon View Suites (which are behind the Tamure Grill); these areas will then be closed off to guests. No construction equipment or materials or noise will be near any guest rooms or public areas. So in this respect we are proud to say that the guest experience at Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa will remain exactly as they are expecting it. The level of service will not be impacted. In fact, we are keeping the same number of staff with less room inventory, which will only benefit visiting guests.

The bottom line is, the resort operation will run normally until the end of the year – and in-room massage treatments will be available when the spa is closed beginning in September.

As of June 2016 we expect to have a bright, new resort for you to sell, including the new category of Sunset Pool Overwater Villas!

Thank you so very much for your patience and understanding.

With kind regards,
Cluster Director of Sales & Marketing

In complement to the announcement received, please find below the availability status at Hotel Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa as of today (subject to modification):

* April, May 2015: a few categories/dates still open to sales
* June, July, August, September 2015: due to limited room inventory, all categories/dates are presently closed to new reservations (existing reservations remain confirmed).
* October, November, December 2015:
– Hillside Panoramic Villas, Overwater Vilas, & Deluxe Overwater Villas are open to sales for stays until 03 January 2016 included.
– Lagoon View Suites & Garden Villas are closed to sales
* January to May 2016: the resort is entirely closed for renovation from 04 January 2016. Re-opening scheduled for June 2016

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