Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le communiqué que nous venons de recevoir de l’Hôtel Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa 5*:
Message reçu (uniquement disponible en version anglaise):
Dear Partner,
As part of ownership’s commitment to continuously improve our properties and their offerings, we would like to share another update on the exciting renovation plans at Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa.
One of the reasons the resort has proven so popular since it opened over 10 years ago is its very special location on the only motu with elevation in Bora Bora — which allows each bungalow to have a sweeping lagoon view but also gives guests a choice of overwater, garden (with water views) or hillside accommodations. As mentioned earlier, the remodel is first being done one room section at a time, according to location and room number.
Below is the very latest info on renovation timing and specifics:
• The 300’s – closest to the Presidential Villas and to the far left of the lobby as you arrive – were the first to be redone. All the villas are now scheduled to be completed by the end of the year 2015. This includes the new category of Sunset Pool Over Water Villas.
• The Garden Villas – will be closed for remodel from August to December included.
• The Lagoon View Suites – the building immediately to the left of the beach restaurant as you arrive – will be closed for renovation October to December included.
• The Hina Spa – will be closed for complete remodeling from September to December included. We will ensure regular spa treatments for our guests in one of the Garden Villas.
• In response to the growing family market in French Polynesia – especially over the holidays – Hilton Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa’s renovation includes the opening of a delightful Kid’s Club facility!
• The plan is to renovate the entire resort by mid-2016, including all public areas such as the Lobby, the Infinity Pool, the restaurants and the Spa. In this respect, we are planning a temporary closure of the resort starting from early January and until end of May 2016.
We will be in contact with regular updates over the next few months so that you are fully informed on timing when it comes to availability at the resort. And we look forward to sharing more renderings and photos of the dynamic new design as it is developed.
With kind regards,
Daniele Venuti
Cluster Director of Sales & Marketing
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