Following the global success of August’s Billabong Pro competition, Tahiti’s sporting achievements continue, including a Tahitian clean sweep at the Molokai Hoe 2014 canoe race held at Honolulu, Hawaii on October 12. So congratulations to our “Aito” competitors on their success in this gruelling 70 km race!
Back on the Fenua, our rowing teams are not letting up and are now preparing for the Hawaiki Nui Va’a Race. We now have a few details to add to the dates we announced at the end of August: The island of Huahine, the starting point for this year’s 24th edition of the international race, will play host to a total of 124 crews (representing no fewer than 1,488 rowers) who, during 3 consecutive days, will compete over the 128.5-kilometre course between the magnificent islands of Huahine, Raiatea, Tahaa and Bora Bora. There will be a large contingent of competitors from the 5 archipelagos and also 7 teams from California, Hawaii and France who will represent their countries with due dignity, even though the sporting achievement is more important as far as they are concerned.
On 4 November, after the Va’a (canoes) have been weighed and the composition of the crews finalized, the opening ceremony will take place at 4.30 pm at Fare beach.
The first stage is scheduled to start from the same place at 7.10 am on 5 November, after the traditional prayer. The first va’a canoes are expected to arrive by 11.15 am at Toa Huri Nihi beach in Raiatea, with trophies awarded to the first three finishers.
The 2nd stage will begin at 9 am on 6 November, with canoes expected to arrive at Patio beach in Tahaa from 11 am.
The 3rd and final stage to Matira beach in Bora Bora will begin at 7.30 am on 7 November. From 12.30 pm, you can mingle among the noisy and supportive crowd, watching the best teams fight it out in the final seconds on this mythical lagoon and witnessing their ultimate deliverance once the finish line crossed.
Why not make the most of the race to get to know the locals who turn out in mass for the event? You can attend the weighing of the va’a canoes, the departures prayers, the award ceremonies, and also enjoy the huge buffets of local fruits and traditional dishes – all lavishly served in woven coconut leaves… A wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture and atmosphere of Polynesia!
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