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Free WI-FI at the Taha’a Island Resort & Spa

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Wi-Fi is now available free of charge throughout the Resort, including the bungalows!

A quick word about other improvements by the Pearl Resort of Tahiti group:

Still on Tahaa, renovation work has given the terrace of the main restaurant Vanille a makeover, among others.

On Tahiti, general renovation is making good progress: building 3 has been completely renovated. Building 2 is under way – the rooms are beautiful and brighter. There is no problem of noise disturbance during these interior works. The Resort should be entirely renovated by February 2018.

On Bora Bora, the hotel continues to improve the quality of F&B, which has made a real leap forward this year.

In the Marquesas, the Keikahanui Pearl Lodge will be closed from January 8 to February 1, 2018 for renovations.

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Tahaa Island Resort & Spa

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