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The Rebreather by Rangiroa Diving Center

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New perspectives for certified divers

Diving in total silence, closer to the undersea wildlife and exploring ever forward, ever longer, with better comfort. That is what this innovation offers, one of the most significant in diving.

With the traditional tank equipment, most of your gas is lost, breathed out in bubbles with each respiratory cycle, The Rebreather is a closed circuit that keeps your exhaled gas in the respiratory loop. The gas is then filtered, enriched, and recycled to be breathed again…

Conclusion: more time underwater, deeper, fewer decompression stops, but above all no bubble nor noise!

Unique in French Polynesia, Rangiroa Diving Center specializes in Rebreather diving, offering an infrastructure, equipment, and quality training for all. Training is mandatory, regardless of your dive certification level. Once your certification is validated, transform yourself into a fish, and set out to meet Hammerheads, Tigers, turtles, Manta rays, dolphins…in the passes of Tiputa and Avorotu.

Happy Diving!

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