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Choose the right excursions

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Get ready for unforgettable moments with these must-do activities!

In order to understand, feel and fully appreciate French Polynesia, you must, at least once during your stay, have:

  • dived into the crystal clear waters of our lagoons with their exceptional nuances of color (boat, catamaran, jet ski, paddleboard, etc.)
  • swum amidst a tropical aquatic world so rich in species and colors (snorkeling, scuba diving, helmet diving, under water scooter, etc.)
  • approached a ray, a turtle and a reef shark
  • admired dolphins jumps and, for the lucky ones, swum with humpback whales! (between August and October)
  • explored one of our lush mountains and inhaled the perfume of our flowers with their curious shapes and vivid colors (4x4s, quads, hiking)
  • discovered the secrets of Tahitian vanilla that is appreciated throughout the world
  • observed the graft of mother-of-pearl that will give birth to an elegant Black Pearl
  • admired a Polynesian sunset
  • shared a traditional Tahitian meal or Ma’a Tahiti, tasted our delicious tropical fruits, not to mention the famous « raw fish in coconut milk » during a picnic on a motu, a pure delight!
  • to the sound of the Toere & Yukulele, watched the hip movements of the Vahine and the fire dances during a traditional dance show
  • visited a Marae or archeological site, testimony of a cultural heritage that is still very present in local life
  • heard a few of the exciting legends from ancient times.

Download HERE the selection of Recommended Activities for 2017


Ask your marketing agent for a full summary of our 2017 Excursions… a brief overview of all the activities proposed on each of the islands, updated at every entrance/exit of an activity.


The majority of excursions require good physical condition. Pregnant women / persons with disabilities / babies… our services must be notified in advance! All our activities are regularly tested in order to provide precise and detailed information and advice. Each participant is requested to read the descriptions of the excursions carefully and to correctly assess his/her own physical limits. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

We wish you the best of luck with your sales!


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