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Aranui Cruises – Modified Itinerary: Takapoto replaces Fakarava

The Aranui III, a mixed cargo/passenger vessel, has recently modified its regular 14day/13night cruise itinerary (and the 11day/10night Papeete to Nuku Hiva). Starting from the next cruise departing February 1st 2014, passengers on the Aranui III will have the opportunity, on the 2nd day, to explore the magnificent lagoon of Takapoto, a remote and authentic atoll in the Tuamotu islands. Thanks to this modified route, participants will have more time during the stopover, allowing a genuine break to swim and snorkel in the crystal-clear water of the lagoon. Furthermore, they will be enjoying a festive barbecue picnic on the beach, which was not possible with the previous route via Fakarava. In other words, this is excellent news for those travelling on the Aranui III! An experience that will certainly set the tone before the breathtaking Marquesas sceneries…

Jet off on the Aranui III for an adventure to the edge of the world on the most mysterious islands in and around Tahiti: the Marquesas Islands. The unusual and indispensable Aranui III is a passenger-cargo ship that sails the south seas between Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands in 8 days. It supplies 6 of the majestic islands in food, medication, material, vehicles and more. The Aranui III also transports people to Tahiti and has an essential role in Marquesans’ life. Bask in the family-friendly atmosphere reigning over the Aranui III and form bonds with the mostly Marquesan crew members. Your friendly encounters will make your trip in the Pacific a simply unforgettable experience.

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