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Villa Ixora

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As a pre- or post-cruise on Raiatea, check out Villa Ixora, the latest adventure by Laure & Terence, the former managers of a high-end boutique hotel on Tahaa. Now established on Raiatea, they have taken over a modest pension, which they have fully remodeled in a contemporary, cozy style.

4 warm, well-appointed mid-range bungalows, with 3 Garden units & 1 Lagoon unit, located 10 minutes from the airport, and just 5 minutes from Uturoa pier.

As for your taste buds, Terence gives free rein to his creativity and offers gourmet French cuisine in the lovely setting of a covered patio overlooking the swimming pool. Also open to outside customers, this is one additional great dining spot to discover on the Sacred Island… so if you are just passing through or staying for a while, do not hesitate to visit them!

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