Feel like some holiday perfume, cigarettes or a liquor to sip beneath a coconut tree at sunset?
To avoid having to carry your duty free purchases around unnecessarily, take advantage of the new Duty Free shop in the arrivals area at Tahiti-Faa’a international airport.
Reminder of duty free allowances per passenger:
– Tobacco: Cigarettes 200 units OR cigarillos 100 units OR cigars 50 units OR smoking tobacco 250g
– Alcoholic drinks: Wines 2 liters AND other alcoholic drinks 2 liters
– Perfume 50g
– Eaux de toilette 1/4 liter
– Coffee 500 g OR Coffee extracts and essences 40g
– Tea 100g OR tea extracts 40g
Persons under the age of 18 cannot import tobacco nor alcoholic drinks as part of their duty free allowance.
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