The 3-star Hotel Relais Mahana is proud to present its Chef Jean-Frédéric Markacz, who joined the team in July 2013. After a few months getting acquainted and a shiny new kitchen, Jean-Frédéric spent the month of January 2014 training with the young and famous French chef, Cyril Lignac.
For those who are not familiar with this French culinary celebrity, Cyril Lignac became popular by participating in several cooking shows and particularly as a member of the jury in the famous French TV show Top Chef. However, more importantly, he started his apprenticeship with some of the best French Chefs: Alain Passard, the Pourcel brothers, Alain Ducasse and Pierre Hermé for pastries. He opened his first restaurant in 2005 in Paris for which he received his first Michelin star in 2012 rewarding his creative cuisine. Today, Chef Cyril Lignac has 3 restaurants, 2 pastry shops, and shares his passion and expertise during the “Cuisine Attitude” workshops, where Jean-Frédéric from Relais Mahana had the opportunity to perfect and develop his cooking techniques.
With fish being a key element in our islands’ cuisine, Jean-Frédéric continued his training at “La Cagouille”, a famous fish restaurant in Paris. Here, he learned to master specific cooking techniques, enabling him to keep intact the full flavor and texture of the products.
A new skill that you will discover from his kitchen, where the menu is always created and based on seasonal and fresh market-day products.
Comfortable bungalows, a gorgeous setting, activities, a friendly atmosphere and a great place to eat… these are the exclusive and wonderful features of the privately owned 3-star Relais Mahana of Huahine! Don’t wait any longer…
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