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Tāvai Spas of Bora Bora & Taha’a

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Pearl Resorts of Tahiti Hotels

Since January 1, 2017, the new Pearl Resorts of Tahiti, associated with the real estate holding company, now provide full commercial management of the following hotels: Bora Bora Pearl Beach Resort & Spa, Le Taha’a Island Resort & Spa, Tahiti Pearl Beach Resort, Nuku Hiva Keikahanui Pearl Lodge and the Hiva Oa Hanakee Pearl Lodge.

This change implies the de facto name change of the 2 Bora Bora and Taha’a Spas, which are both becoming Tāvai Spas, which in the Tahitian language means means « to anoint, » or « the caress of the water. »
Thus on Bora Bora, the menu already distributed for the former Manea Spa has undergone some changes:

+5% on the Maitai relaxation massage
+9% on the Coco Otemanu Deluxe Bora treatment
Plus a few new items, like the Vaipihapiha rain shower, the 100 min Romantic Rendez-vous treatment and the 3hr20 min Polynesian Delight full spa treatment.

The 2017 Spa Menu for Le Taha’a is also now available.

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