Mave Mai…Mave Mai! Notice to the luckiest of you who were able to book your stay in Hiva Oa for this 10th Marquesas Islands Arts Festival, taking place from December 16 to 19, 2015… here’s at last the detailed program!
This year marks the return to the basics of Marquesan culture.
Hiva Oa has the privilege of hosting a total of 11 delegations from the Marquesas Islands, Tahiti, but also Rikitea and Rapa Nui as well. The program includes art in all its forms: dance performances, traditional games, demonstrations of weaving and sculpture. Conferences will also be offered with themes such as tattooing, the Marquesan cultural revival, and archeology. The traditional major religious sites of the valleys of Atuona, Taaoa, and Puamau will be the strongholds of the festival and will once again reverberate with the immutable sounds of the pahu.
The next edition of the festival is in four years… think about it!
Please contact us for more information.
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